da : 3830 phrases in 64 subjects |
Accounting | 1 |
Airports and air traffic control | 5 |
American usage, not spelling | 15 |
Arabic language | 1 |
Art | 1 |
Astronomy | 1 |
Austrian usage | 1 |
Automobiles | 3 |
Aviation | 16 |
Avuncular | 1 |
Botany | 4 |
British English spelling | 4 |
Business | 7 |
Chemistry | 148 |
Clerical | 3 |
Collective | 3 |
Construction | 11 |
Customs | 15 |
Economics | 350 |
Figurative | 41 |
French | 8 |
General | 562 |
Geophysics | 1 |
Golf | 1 |
Grammar | 2 |
Greek | 1 |
Heraldry | 1 |
Historical | 2 |
Informal | 25 |
Information technology | 55 |
Ironical | 2 |
Latin | 2 |
Law | 2069 |
Mathematics | 2 |
Medical | 21 |
Microsoft | 9 |
Military | 12 |
Mining | 2 |
Music | 2 |
Nautical | 2 |
Non-governmental organizations | 1 |
Obsolete / dated | 7 |
Oil / petroleum | 94 |
Optics branch of physics | 4 |
Photography | 17 |
Physics | 1 |
Poetic | 1 |
Polygraphy | 53 |
Publishing | 1 |
Religion | 4 |
Road traffic | 15 |
Road works | 5 |
Scottish usage | 2 |
Slang | 137 |
Spanish | 1 |
Spectroscopy | 1 |
Sports | 10 |
Steel production | 1 |
Stock Exchange | 23 |
Technology | 31 |
Telephony | 1 |
Textile industry | 3 |
Theatre | 3 |
Zoology | 2 |